BeeCard Information

St. 竞技宝app下载安装的学生需要24/7带着他们的BeeCard(学生证). Your BeeCard allows you to eat in the cafeteria, check materials out of the library, and gain access into your residence hall.

  • Report your BeeCard lost or missing here

When can I get my BeeCard?


Photo at Orientation

Pick up on Move In Day from Res Life


Where can I pick up my BeeCard?


BeeCard Services Hours

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(on days when main campus classes are held)

Additional hours available by appointment

What Can I Do With My BeeCard?

Residence Hall Access住宿学生可以进入他们的宿舍楼外门和所有的学术建筑. 
Meal Plan/Buzz Bucks: For those with a meal plan or BuzzBucks, 你必须用你的卡从你的计划中扣除餐费或者使用BuzzBucks.
Library Card: Check out books and materials at the St. Ambrose University Library.
Free bus rides:乘坐达文波特公交固定路线和伊利诺斯MetroLINK路线,乘车时出示身份证即可免费乘坐. For route information, visit the websites at CitiBus or MetroLINK.
Wellness & Recreation Center/Lee Lohman Arena: Gives access to exterior doors and interior areas. You also get in free to most athletic events with your card. Click for WRC hours of operation
Galvin Fine Arts Center持卡人可以获得大多数活动的免费门票.

Frequently Asked Questions

BeeCard Basics

What is a BeeCard?
The BeeCard is your official St. Ambrose University photo identification card. 学生应始终随身携带学生证. BeeCard将用于获取校园内外的商品和服务. 住宿学生使用BeeCard进入他们的宿舍.

Who can get a BeeCard? 
All St. 竞技宝app下载安装的全日制和非全日制学生、教师和工作人员可以获得BeeCard.

Where do I get my BeeCard?

How much does it cost?

What should I bring to get my BeeCard?
Domestic students and employees should bring one of the following forms of government-issued photo identification:

  • state-issued driver's license
  • state-issued ID card
  • U.S. passport
  • U.S. military ID
  • U.S State Department ID
  • U.S. territory ID card

International students and employees should bring one of the following items for identification:

  • Passport
  • Travel Visa

When can I get my BeeCard?
8月1日之前不会发放秋季入学学生的入学卡, 春季入学学生的入学卡将在1月1日之前发放, 即将到来的暑期学生卡将不会在5月1日之前发布,就在他们开始学期之前.

双录取学生可以在完成所需的文书工作后获得他们的卡. Ambrose Admissions office. 教师和工作人员可以在与人力资源部完成所有必要的文书工作后获得他们的BeeCard.


Do I receive a new BeeCard every year?
不需要,你收到的BeeCard只适用于你在St的注册或就业期间. Ambrose University.

It is valid 4 years from the issue date. For those who remain enrolled or employed at St. Ambrose beyond the expiration of the card, simply stop by the BeeCard Services desk, turn in your expired card, and receive a complimentary replacement.

Can I have more than one BeeCard?
No. 出于安全考虑,您不允许拥有多个BeeCard. If you lost a card and purchased a replacement, but then found the original card, 你可以把它转到BeeCard服务台换取10美元的信用额度.

Can I loan my BeeCard to a friend?
No, your BeeCard is for individual use only. Never loan a card to another individual.

To protect cardholders, 大学工作人员在出示卡作为付款时检查卡,以确认发卡人正在使用该卡. 如果卡片照片与出示卡片的人不像,工作人员将不接受卡片. 当BeeCard服务人员拒绝信用卡交易时,他们会收到通知. 获得卡的个人将对所有活动负责, services, privileges, 或者,如果他们的信用卡被借给或给了另一个人,就会发生销售交易.

How do I change the name on my BeeCard?
Students need to visit the Registrar's office; employees need to visit the Human Resources office, both in Ambrose Hall.

If this is a legal name change, 然后,您需要提供代表更改名称的法律文件. If this is a chosen name change (please see the Chosen Name Policy),然后你会被要求填写一张表格,要求更改.

Once the name change has been processed by the above offices, 我们很乐意领取您的旧卡并免费换一张新卡. 如果你不再有你以前的卡,你将被收取25美元更换卡.

What if I can't find time to come obtain my first BeeCard?
如果您无法到BeeCard服务台领取您的第一张BeeCard, please email us 并请求邀请您在线提交您的照片和文件.

Lost/Missing/Stolen BeeCard

What if I lost my BeeCard?
You must report the loss immediately via the GET mobile app (App Store | Google Play) or online. If you are unable to access the app or GET desktop site, 请在营业时间内致电563-333-6257联系BeeCard服务. If the loss is discovered after business hours, 请拨打563-333-6104与安全部门联系,取消信用卡. If card is found, it can be reactivated.

To replace it, visit the BeeCard Services desk in the Rogalski Center, Security Office, to purchase a replacement during normal business hours. 25美元的替换费将从你的学生账户中扣除. 教师和工作人员必须在学生财务服务处支付费用,并携带收据以获得更换卡.

What if my BeeCard is stolen?
如果你的BeeCard在校园内被偷,向保安部门提交盗窃报告. 如果你出示一份警方报告或圣. Ambrose Campus Security. 

How to Care for Your BeeCard

How do I take care of my BeeCard?

  • Don't bend it or break it! 你的信用卡背面有一个磁条. 它还包含一个用于非接触式读卡器的微芯片. You must take care to not bend, break, cut, 或者在你的卡上打孔,否则你可能会损坏这项技术. You are responsible for buying a replacement.
  • 避免蓝牙卡与无线手机充电器接触. 无线手机充电站利用电磁场为你的手机充电. 如果您将BeeCard存储在手机壳内或上,然后将手机放在无线充电器上,则可能会损坏您的BeeCard. This will result in you needing to buy a replacement. Save your money and remove the BeeCard before charging.
  • 小心处理并将其保存在保护套中,以延长卡片的使用寿命, ID lanyard, or wallet.

What if my BeeCard is damaged?
If your card is damaged or not working, 请把卡拿到罗加尔斯基中心的BeeCard服务台, Security Office, 2nd floor, 代表会确定您的卡是否还能使用. 正常磨损的卡将免费换卡.

Care of BeeCard
Please do not:

  • Punch or place a hole in your card.
  • Wash it in a clothes washer/dryer or dishwasher.
  • Use it as an ice scraper or any other form of tool.
  • 将卡片与钥匙或其他可能划伤或弯曲卡片的物品放在一起.
  • 在您的BeeCard上粘贴贴纸或其他物品,除非它是由BeeCard服务人员或其指定人员提供或分发的.

To extend the life of your card, 请小心搬运,并装入保护套筒内, ID lanyard, or wallet.



Tracy Hintze-Bahns

BeeCard Services
Rogalski Center, Security Office
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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